T3 (Tiromel, Cytomel)

Lose your body fat fast with a Thyroid Hormone
We all know about the thyroid hormones and the significance of these thyroid hormones in the human body.T3 (triiodothyronine, liothyronine, Cytomel) is a thyroid hormone that has been very common to the bodybuilders as they use this steroid hormone in the fat loss cycle. T3 is naturally produced in our body as a result of T4 (thyroxine) production by the thyroid. Let me tell why bodybuilders use it in cutting cycle? In fact, oral administration of T3 can defer higher levels of serum T3 causing faster fat loss; besides, in some cases it has been found that T3 can enhance the GH production and greater anabolism in the human body. Liothyronine is used as a treatment for those patients who have been suffering from lower or inactive thyroid hormone, often called hypothyroidism. Liothyronine an artificial form of thyroid hormone that can be produced at a low rate if the thyroid gland is injured somehow either by radiation/medications or removed by surgery. If you have enough quantity of thyroid hormone in your body, then it will definitely help you to stay healthy; even in the children too, the sufficient of thyroid hormone help them to grow and learn at normal rate. Many doctors often prefer this medication to treat other types of thyroid problems like goiters, thyroid cancer).
T3 has been widely popular among the bodybuilders as well as to the physicians in different names like Cytomel, Cynomel, Cyronine, Cytomel Tabs, Euthroid, Linomel, Liothyronin, Neo-Tiroimade, Ro-Thyronine, T3, Tertroxin, Thybon, Ti-Tre, Tiromel, Tironina, and Trijodthyronin.
How to use T3?
The use of T3 may differ from bodybuilder to bodybuilder; the safest method is to follow the instruction of the experienced physician ; you can take this medication orally with or without food , usually once daily; the best thing would be to follow the suggestion of your doctor. But, the best result can be enjoyed when it is taken on a regular basis under the proper guidance of the doctor.Now, how can you feel that that the thyroid level in your body has come lower? You will experience certain symptoms like tiredness, muscle aches,constipation, dry skin, weight gain, slow heartbeat, or sensitivity to cold. If any of the symptoms are seen increasing in your body hen you must consult a doctor immediately.
How much you need to take?
Frankly, it depends on the bodybuilders; they decide in which purpose they are using this; however, there are two general approaches that can be found in most of the bodybuilders.In the first approach, the prime motto is to lose fat in a significant manner. In this approach, bodybuilders take this kind steroid at a very high level, either 50 mcg/day, but some of the bodybuilders prefer to use it 75 mcg/day. On the other hand,in the second approach, the goal is to achieve a quite substantial increase in the rate of fat loss, here the use low dosage; dosage is about 12.5 mcg/day, but in some instances can be as high as 25 mcg/day.
When divisive dosage is taken?
The majority of the bodybuilders prefers this kind of thyroid hormone in small single doses because T3 has a short half-life. For example, if you prefer to have a dosage of 12.5 mcg.day this would best be taken as a single dose in the morning, but, if you prefer to take a high dosage like with 50 mcg/day, dividing the daily amount into three or four doses would be the best option for you to take this kind of steroid.
Post cycle reactions
If you use T3 at a regular basis and in high dosages then you can have some adverse effects in the future as the natural production of this hormone will be much lower than before; but if you prefer the second approach then there would be hardly any noticeable effects on your body as post cycle consequences.
Possible side effects
High dosage of T3, typically starting at about 75 mcg/day to 100 mcg/day, can prove to very harmful for a human body as it can cause tachycardia (elevated heart rate) and muscle weakness.Using a very high level of T3 is dangerous to the heart. Temporary hair loss may occur during the first few months of starting this drug, especially in children. If this effect lasts or gets worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. It is not desirable even to have much amount of thyroid hormone in your body as high amount of the thyroid hormone can cause some of the problems like headache, mental/mood changes (such as irritability, nervousness), increased sweating, sensitivity to heat, diarrhea, menstrual changes. Even if you face such kind of symptoms in your life then you should not wait longer rather you should consult with your doctor in an immediate basis.
In short, it can be said that T3 can be really effective effective compound for you to aid fat loss, but it can cause serious harmful effects when overdosed. One of the major setback of this steroid is that it is considered as instable steroid, resulting in a loss of potency with time.
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