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Orlistat is on obesity non-prescription medication well recognized for diminishing the absorption of fats in the gastrointestinal tract. It is for this central reason exercising this unique mechanism that the use of this supplement is preferred particularly by people who need to lose some weight, fight obesity. Through the inhibition of the enzymes responsible for the digestion of fats in the intestines, Orlistat lowers the calorie intake that is absorbed in the body from dietary fats thus making it a worthy tool in combating obesity. 

In this article, we  will discuss how the Orlistat product works to help limit the fats one is likely to consume and digest, its benefits, uses, and the users’ possibilities while on this product and intending to shed some weight.  

How Orlistat Causes the Reduction on Fat Absorption 

The principle application of Orlistat is to interrupt the work of lipase, the enzyme generated by the pancreas that separates fats consumed into smaller particles, fatty acids and glycerol that can be absorbed by the body. 

When you consume foods that contain fat then lipase comes in and splits the fats into materials that can be absorbed by the blood. However, when Orlistat is introduced, will prevent it attaching to the lipase enzymes and thus reduce ability of the lipase enzymes in breaking down roughly 25% to 30% of the fats. This chyle then gets churned in the digestive system and is expelled in feces hence lowering the total calorie absorption.

How Orlistat Influences Digestion

Exploring the Male and Female Variable Factors in Order to Enhance the Orlistat Action on the Absorption and Digestion of Fat 

In fact, there is a complementary approach to the use of the Orlistat, namely the combination of its intake with the proper, low-calorie, low-fat diet. Whereas if a high fat meal is consumed fat will only be partially absorbed due to the action of orlistat and since the fat absorbed is not fully absorbed, digestive system side effects will be more severe.

Adopt a Low-Fat Diet: Depending on the amount of fat in your diet, you will hardly feel any side effect risk associated with reduced fat intake. Try to make sure that your selected meals are such that not more than 30% of their calories are from fat. Doing this may assist reduce the probability of developing greasy feces and other intestinal complications. 

 Take Orlistat with Meals: The best time to use Orlistat is alongside the food that has fats or within the first one hour after preparing the meal that contains fats. It is as simple as that if you miss a meal or if you took a fat-free meal you can miss the dose since there will be no fat to block. 

Stay Hydrated: Staying well-hydrated reduces problems associated with your digestive system and such fat-blocking activities as well. 

Include Fiber: Foods that are high in fibre should be consumed as they help enhance digestion while at the same time decreasing some of the negative effects of Orlistnoted above.

Benefits of Orlistat 

Orlistat offers several benefits for individuals looking to lose weight and improve their health,Below are some advantages of using Orlistat to patients who seek to lose their weight and enhance their health: 

1. Promotes Weight Loss 

 Orlistat suppresses the levels of triglycerides in the body, hence they reduce the total fat content in the body, and it also affects the reduction in the number of calories that we consume, and therefore the total number of calories is reduced, which is ideal for weight loss. Orlistat clinical trials indicate that people who take it with their diet and exercise regimen lose more weight than the exercise and diet plan alone depicts. 

 2. Supports Long-Term Weight Management 

A point that many people consider as very hard is how one can be in a position to conduct him or herself to ensure that he or she does not gain the extra weight back again. Orlistat decreases weight within the short term and its treatment makes it possible to sustain weight reduction in the long-term. 

3. Improves Cholesterol Levels 

Because Orlistat does not have the digestive ability for the ingestion of fats it has been reported to lead to a decrease in cholesterol, more profoundly the LDL otherwise known as the evil cholesterol. As cited by a number of sources, this may reduce the risk of occurrence of heart ailments and other related sicknesses.

4. Lowers Blood Pressure 

Another advantage of weight loss that is as a result of Orlistat intake is the reduction of blood pressure because the drug effects the risk of hypertension or heart diseases. 

5. Reduces Chances of Development of Type 2 Diabetes 

Orlistat also improves the insulin sensitivity and lesser calorie intake and thus, makes it easy for those who are overweight or obese to have lesser risk of developing type 2 diabetes. 

Uses of Orlistat 

Orlistat is marketed as a weight loss agent indicated for use in overweight or obese adults with a body mass index of 30 kg/m 2 or greater or for those with a BMI of 27 kg/m 2 or greater and other associated obesity related complications which include hypertension, type 2 diabetes or high cholesterol. 

It can be bought without a prescription in smaller doses as Alli, while it is called Xenical in the higher doses, which need prescription.  


1. Is Orlistat available OTC, or does one require a prescription in order to obtain it? 

Indeed, there is Orlistat non-prescription version as Alli while the higher dose Xenical can only be obtained through a prescription. 

2. Am I likely to get positive rebound effects if I stop taking Orlistat? 

After one or two weeks depending with the level of adherence to the low fat diet and exercise the individuals start noticing the results in form ofœweight loss’.  

3. Does Orlistat interact with vitamins? 

It is true that Orlistat may lead to decreased absorption of fat soluble vitamine including A, D, E and K. According to its use, you should take a multivitamin after at least two hours in the day that you have taken Orlistat. 

4. Are the digestive side effects of STZ induced diabetes permanent? 

Practically no, digestive side effects like the oily stools and the gaseous distension usually reduce with time as the body adjusts to the drug. 


It is also important to know that Orlistat is a great prescription drug to anyone who wants to lose weight by lessening the amount of fats that the body will be able to take in. Thus, it assists in the design of a calorie deficit, as a considerable part of dietary fat cannot be absorbed in the digestive system. Therefore, when used in conjunction with a low fat well balanced diet and exercise routine, Orlistat can be quite effective in ensuring that one attains his or her desired weight loss targets. Though there are some digestive side effects with the using of Orlistat many people report such rewards as the improvement of cholesterol levels, reduced risk of diabetes and so on, efficient weight loss

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