Primobolan 500 Roid Plus

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What is Primobolan 500 mg Roid Plus ?
Primobolan is the anabolic which is the most preffered product by bodybuilders. It is sold in oral and liquid form . The ones who bewares using liquid form must prefer the tablet form. Primobolan could be combined with several anabolics. It could be used in bulk and defination times.If you use it solo you get also good results. Adviced usage form for the best yield is 10 – 12 weeks. Enjection must be made every other 7 days. And for tablet form it must be used everyday. Because it is a short penetrating product.If you use Testosterone and similar Testosterone products near primobolan you can get beter results.
Primobolan is a well known and a very popular steroid. Its often mixed with other steroids. The subtance is Methenolone and is a DHT-based steroid ( a 5-alpha steroid which is reduced of milder boldenone ). This means that it does not form estrogens at all and this makes it ideal for a cut stack due the excess estrogen is avoided. Primobolan is often used by those who are very succeptible to estrogenic side effects. The anabolic activity of Primobolan ( Methenolone ) is slightly lower than that of Deca ( Nandrolone ) because it is non-estrogenic.
Primobolan is often used as a replacement for Deca or Boldenone who have no access to Deca duraboline or Equipoise. Now you have to question to where to buy steroids. When its stacked with mass steroids such as Testosterone and / or methandrostenolone it can deliver almost similar gains. And for those who wants to get cut will find stacking Primobolan with Drostanolone, Trenbolone and Stanozolol very effective. Its very suitable for women and beginners to stack Primobolan with Deca ( nandrolone ) cause it gives a mildly anabolic stack and this is generally regarded as one of the safer stacks around in an androgenic perspective.
Primobolan is an enanthate ester. This means that its a quite long-acting steroid and only needs to be injected once a week in a range of 300-600 mg. It also has a higher survival rate cause it passes hepatic breakdown on the first pass. Primobolan comes in oral form too but is less handy and is often preferred by users who are afraid of needles or who are already taking one or more injectable steroids. Primobolan is a not 17-alpha-alkylated but 1-methylated for oral bioavailability. This reduces the liver stress.
Steroid Side Effects:
Primobolan is very mild on the system like Deca. These two drugs are favored as base compounds in stacks. Primobolan has no estrogenic side effects due of its structure. The effects on cholesterl is almost none. The blood pressure is rarely in doses of 200 mg or less. Long term use will of course increase liver values but it will be slightly. The liver toxic effects of injectable primoblan is much less than oral Primobolan almost half the liver toxic cause it only pass the liver once.
The half-life is about 5 days of Primobolan.
Steroid Doses:
Doses for men are 100-300 mg a week and for womens its the half dosage. Primobolan Depot works well on a low calorie diet too.
Note : All injectable roid plus products contain ethyl oleate.
Using anabolic steroids with or without any knowledge about the subject can do harm to your body. They even can cause death. You have to be careful about getting checked before, during and after using anabolic steroids. Our firm warns you about the all of the risks of using steroids and we do not accept any responsibility about health issues and consequences. Therefore we do not sell who are not over 20 years old.
Motherboard | |
Pack | 5 ml amp (100 mg/ml) |
Subtance | Methenolone Enanthate |
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