100 amps. Primobolan Depot Bayer

Primobolan Depot is an injectable steroid. Many athletes believe that Primobolan Depot use only in cycles not enough but it can be used as a good support. It has strong anabolic effect in bodybuilding starters, but it has less effect for people who have used steroids before. Many athletes prefer popular Deca Durabolin and Primobolan Depot when using Deca Durabolin is not possible.
Using anabolic steroids with or without any knowledge about the subject can do harm to your body. They even can cause death. You have to be careful about getting checked before, during and after using anabolic steroids. Our firm warns you about the all of the risks of using steroids and we do not accept any responsibility about health issues and consequences. Therefore we do not sell who are not over 20 years old.