Testosterone Enanthate – Explore some unknown facts about this substance

Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, is responsible for developing sexual characteristics in men. In this current era, you will find that the demand for the synthetic form of this male sex hormone is of the paramount level, especially among sports personalities. Due to its effects in helping athletes to get their desired physical attributes, their interest in making the consumption of this supplement is increasing day by day. With an enhanced demand for testosterone, several esterified versions of this hormonal supplement have been manufactured. And, Testosterone Enanthate is one amongst them. The demand for this steroidal supplement is truly high. Go through the following passages and acquire more information regarding this substance.

What is Testosterone Enanthate and why do sports personalities consume it?

Well, this steroidal compound is nothing other than a variation of Testosterone. When Testosterone makes an ester bond with Enanthate, this supplement gets produced. As Testosterone is itself a potent anabolic steroid, expecting this esterified version of this hormonal supplement to provide users with strong anabolic and androgenic effects is signified.

Bodybuilders and sports personalities make the consumption of this substance as it helps them to gain those physical attributes they are craving for. They help them in building strong and big muscles and bring an improvement to their performance quality. Want to know how? The answer to your question is given in the following passages.

How does Testosterone Enanthate make muscles bigger?

This steroidal substance activates and increases the number of muscle fiber precursor cells. These cells are also known as “satellite cells”. After getting activated, these cells can become incorporated into existing muscle fibers and make them bigger. Also, these satellite cells can fuse together and make new muscle fibers on themselves.

Moreover, Testosterone, the parental supplement of Testosterone Enanthate, provides an effect in increasing the rate of protein synthesis. It’s needless to say that protein is the building block of muscles. And, protein synthesis is a process of replacing damaged proteins with new and stronger ones. When the rate of protein synthesis gets enhances, muscles get the chance to grow faster.

With the consumption of this esterified version of testosterone, the rate of nitrogen retention in the body also gets enhanced. With an increased rate of this biological process, muscles become big and strong.

How does Testosterone Enanthate make muscles stronger?

It’s a true fact that Testosterone Enanthate makes muscles stronger. Before a few days, it was thought that testosterone brought an improvement to the power of muscles just by increasing its size. But, it has been seen that this hormonal supplement is also effective in increasing the amount of calcium, which is effective in boosting the force of muscular contractions. According to a recent rodent study, DHT has the quality to stimulate muscle contraction force output by up to 24-30 percent.

How does this steroidal compound boost endurance?

Testosterone increases EPO, which is responsible for stimulating red blood cell production. The function of red blood cells is to carry oxygen to every part of the body. When oxygen is carried to every part of the body properly, the endurance level gets increased. Also, an increased number of these cells in the body ensures an improvement in athletic performance.

By increasing the size and strength of muscles, the consumption of this substance brings an improvement to the performance quality of bodybuilders and athletes. That’s the major reason why they make the consumption of this substance. Now, you may wonder whether the consumption this supplement is safe or not. You will get the answer to it by going through the following passages.

Is the consumption of Testosterone Enanthate safe?

Each and every steroidal compound comes with some side effects. And, it would be a mistake if you expect Testosterone Enanthate to be an exception to that. There are several risk factors associated with the consumption of this substance. It can lead users to face nausea or vomiting, changes in skin color, painful and difficult urination, shortness of breath and several others. As this substance gets converted into estrogen in the body, it causes users to suffer from estrogenic side effects, such as gynecomastia and excess water retention in the body.

Women users of this substance can experience acne, changes in menstrual periods, and male-pattern hair growth. Also, it’s possible to experience a headache and anxiety with the consumption of this compound. But, there is no need to get worried regarding these side effects. People who make the consumption of this substance by maintaining proper dosage and cycle are less likely to experience any of these complications.

Testosterone Enanthate cycle

The cycle of Testosterone Enanthate is different for beginners, intermediate users, and advanced users. For beginners, it’s advised to take 300-500mg of this substance per week. And, the cycle can last for 12 weeks.

For intermediate users, the cycle length is the same as that for beginners. But, intermediate users are advised to take this steroidal compound 500mg/week. They are also advised to take Nandrolone Decanoate at 400mg/week for the first four weeks with Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol at 25mg/day.

For advanced users, the cycle length is the same. But, they are advised to take this steroidal compound at 100mg/week with Trenbolone Enanthate at 600mg/week.

Further information

So, all information about Testosterone Enanthate has already been given. You are advised to keep your supplement out of the reach of children. In order to get the best result of this substance, it’s important to consume it by maintaining proper dosage and cycle. If you want to acquire more information about this compound, you can consider visiting other articles available on the internet.