Hygetropin 100IU USA

Manufacturer: Hygene
Substance: Human Growth Hormone 191aa
Package: Hygetropin 100 ui HGH Kit
Common Name(s): HGH, GH, Human Growth Hormone
Hygetropin is secreted by hypothalamus. Its recombined human growth hormone. The human growth and development, immunization and metabolism is chiefly controlled by the human most important protein consisting of 191 amino acide. Its identical in structure to the bodys own HGH so there is no risk the body will create antibodies to Hygetropin. It directly influences the growth and development of human different organs such as: skeletons, cells, cartilages, skins, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, kidneys and livers. As medical use: It can be used in the treatment of chronic renal failure before kidney transplantation and microsomia caused by Turner’s syndrome and the dysplasia hypoplasia caused by inadequate secretion of growth hormone. Can also be used in surgical operations, burns, traumas, cancers, organ transplantations by promoting protein combination. It can also be used in the treatment of heart failure and improvement of skin and appearance and the decrease of wrinkles. You can get younger by using HGH such as Jintropin , Hygetropin and Kigtropin.
Hygetropin comes in boxes of 200 iu. So 1 kit(200iu) contains 25 vials and each vial contains 8 iu HGH powder. Insulin syringes is needed for injection. You can use 2-2.5ml syringe with attached needle.
Steroid Side Effects:
Joint swelling in hands, feet and knees. Joint pain, which begins as minor aches that can grow in intensity. Typically starts in hands and knees. Hgh can also cause Carpal tunnel syndrome. This is when the median nerve in the wrist becomes pressed causing pain, numbness and weakness in the hand. Another common side effect when using hygetropin is water retention.
Steroid Dosage:
Depending on your weight, but the most common dosage is 4-6 iu every day at the morning and before sleep time for positive results in terms of fat burning, recovery and endurance.