It is very important for those who are interested in bodybuilding sports to take vitamin, mineral and protein supplements. These supplements, which are taken to support intensive exercises, affect muscle development positively. There are different supplements that athletes should take. ZMA draws attention as one of them. In the rest of our article, you can find answers to questions such as what is ZMA, what does it do and how to use it?

What is ZMA?

ZMA; magnesium aspartate consists of precise mixing of zinc monometionine / aspartate and vitamin B6. ZMA is a very special blend and has different benefits. This mixture effectively removes athletes' vitamin and mineral deficiency. In different studies, it has been proved that ZMA increases the strength of the muscles and supports muscle growth. It is also known to be effective in removing fat and increasing muscle volume.

It is claimed that there is a relationship between ZMA and testosterone level and the use of ZMA increases this hormone. But there is no scientific research about it. However, it is known that there is a relationship between zinc contained in ZMA and testosterone level. Zinc deficiency causes the level of this hormone to drop. When zinc deficiency is eliminated with ZMA, the level of ZMA naturally increases.

The majority of athletes  do not take the ZMA supplement  seriously enough. The main reason for this is that ZMA is considered only as a mineral and vitamin supplement. It can be said that the fact that other supplements make more promises is related to this situation. However, ZMA supplements have very important benefits and should be used regularly.

The Importance of Using ZMA

The importance of using ZMA is related to the minerals and vitamins contained in it. Some details about them are as follows:

1) Zinc

It is effective in the initiation and completion of cellular activities, protein synthesis and many similar intra-body reactions. It has benefits such as protecting the liver, enabling the production of the T cell in the immune system.


2) Magnesium

It is necessary for the heart to function normally and for the muscles to function. This mineral, which is responsible for the transport of neurochemical substances, is also responsible for maintaining the sodium and potassium balance in the cells.

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ZMA Benefits

Although general information about magnesium and zinc has been given above, the benefits of ZMA need to be examined more detailed. First of all, there are many vitamins and minerals in this supplement. Thanks to these, the minerals and vitamins that the body needs are met. Apart from this, it is known to be an effective factor in the realization of protein synthesis. This condition is extremely important for the muscles to recover and develop. Vitamin B6 in ZMA facilitates the absorption of amino acids from protein. This means muscle development.

Apart from the muscles, ZMA supplements are known to be beneficial for body health directly. It provides regular body functions from immune to cardiovascular system.

Generally, if you use ZMA, you will support your muscle development. At the same time, you will protect your general health. This allows you to work-out longer without problems. However, never forget that you should choose a quality ZMA supplement to fully see these effects. Otherwise, you may experience a great disappointment.