Testosterone Propionate is synthetic anabolic androgenic steroid that has short-life and a more slower releasing then most of the other synthetic steroids. The pureststeroid that has ever been developed synthetically is the Testosterone Propionate. It is very similar, in fact almost a replica of the testosterone that our body produces naturally. This steroid is an injectable and oil based one. There some pros and cons of being a short estered testosterone. Because of Propionate has short ester (than testo e and testo c) it needs to be injected every other day. Which is more frequent than other synthetic steroids like testo e and testo c. But this gives you to have more control over side effects of course.

The Effect

Testosterone Propionate is primarily used when there is a need to treat a person with a low testosterone level. It is the most effective drug that you can find. It is fact and it is strong. Also bodybuilders and athletes use Testosterone Propionate both on and of season when they bulking phase or in cutting phase. With the right dieting, Testosterone Propionate will get your testo levels high and you will be able to both loose or gain weight according to your purpose. So Testosterone Propionate is a vital steroid that you can use whenever if it helps you to achieve what you want. Also Testosterone Propionate will make your muscle endurance greater and this will certainly help you to not get exhausted right away. So you can train and lift more. All thing a side, increasing endurance is enough alone to star using this steroid. Because you exactly know what you are going to get out of it.


As we said before, Testosterone Propionate is widely used for treating low testosterone levels. 25-50 mg per injection and 2 or 3 injection per week is expected. But remember, if you know exactly what you want out of a steroid Cypionate or Enanthate might the better option to chose.
For the athletes and bodybuilders it is generally accepted that 25-50 mg a day injection is the effective dosage to start. But if one wants the true anabolic effects and results of this synthetic steroid, the dosage can go up to 100 mg to 200mg a day injections. Of course as always we remind you that higher dosage mean higher risk of side effects.

Side Effects

The first side effect that comes to mind is that Testosterone Propionate can lead feminization because of using of this drug can result in conversion of androgen to estrogen. So increasing of the estrogen hormone might not be a problem for women users but can be problem for man users. The increasing of estrogen levels can lead excess water retention and gynecomastia. Of course we need to remind you that this side effects can easily be avoided by using anti estrogen supplements on the market.
Also with the use of Testosterone Propionate androgenic side effects can be seen like acre or hair loss.