Steroids are generally used in Cycles that requires a plan that regulates taking steroids in a span of time. The length or intensity of the cycle differs according to purpose. So after this period of taking steroids in a planned way, our body becomes comfortable about getting help on producing some hormones. The reason behind this is cycles. After getting the hormones in a synthetic way, our body gets used to not producing some of the hormones and after cycles, this problem needs to be fixed. So this is why there are post cycle therapies. A Post Cycle Therapy basically helps the body turn back to normal after a period of getting help about producing or not producing any hormones. Expecting the body to turn back into a normal working phase is just not realistic and dangerous. So getting knowledge about PCTs is a crucial step before even starting a cycle.

Why do we need Post Cycle Theraphy ?

After taking steroids or Prohormones on a planned and extended amount of time, your gets used to not producing testosterone hormones simply because you are taking those hormones from outside your body. So this can result as after a cycle your testosterone levels can drop real low, but your catabolic hormones (like estrogen) can remain high. So this situation means that you are going to lose most of your gains in a short period of time. The reason why there are PCTs is to prevent this. Post Cycle Therapy helps you level your hormones and making your gains more sustainable.

How does Post Cycle Therapy Work?

There two main purposes in a post cycle therapy;
1- Increasing your testosterone levels(because it WILL drop after a cycle and will make it harder for you to keep your gains or strength)
2- Controlling your estogen leves ( so that this kind of catabolic hormones destroys your muscle gains and making it harder to keep your strength)
So after a cycle, these two purposes needs to be reached immediately. But, the product that you need to use to reach this goal can differ from cycle to cycle or even the body type. So knowing what your body will need during a PCT is equally important as choosing your steroid cycle.

When to start to a Post Cyle Therapy?

There is a golden rule when it comes to starting a Post Cycle Therapy: “Don’t start when there is still anabolic androgenic steroids are still in your body.” So this rule tells us we need to start to a Post Cycle therapy when we completely finish our cycle. And also if you planning to start a cycle again very soon (like sooner than 12 weeks), post cycle therapy can stress the body even more and there is no point of doing a post at this stage. If you aren’t going on a cycle in a short period if time and if you completely finished your cycle, that is the time to start a post cycle therapy.  

How Long Should a Post Cyle Therapy Take?

The time that you need to be in a post cycle therapy can differ depending on the products you used during your cycle. Some steroids are stronger than others, therefore the body may need more time to get back to a normal stage on those situations. Also the length of your cycle can affect the length of your post cycle therapy. So generally a post cycle therapy requires 4 weeks. But of course, if your hormone levels aren’t back to normal by then, you should continue with your therapy a little bit more than that.
What to use in a Post cycle therapy?
As we explained before, during a cycle your testosterone levels are boosted artificially. So the body gets used to getting help and after a chilly the body does not produce testosterone hormones itself right away. Also, your estrogen levels will be much higher and this will cause loosing your gains mostly. So one of the most preferred products in a post theraphy cycle is SERMs. SERMs are selective estrogen receptor modulators. Their products helps blocking the results of having high levels of catabolic hormones in your body like estrogens. By blocking the estrogen hormones in the body, this high dosages of steroids in a body can act like estrogen sometime and this can result as man boobs. SERMs prevent you from having this kind of estrogen based complications you don’t want. A healthy post cycle therapy requires the steps below:
1- Getting testosterone levels up to normal.
2- Estrogen inhibition
3- Reducing cortisol
4- Getting the libido up to normal level.
5- Prevent loosing workout strength 
6- Restoring health
7- preventing fat gain
8- Maximizing non-hormonally mediated anabolic processes  
What Happens if You Don’t do a Post Cycle Therapy?
Steroid cycles can be hard on a body. Their results can be even harder. After a cycle, a post cycle therapy is needed. Not only because you want to keep your gains, but for some other reasons as well. The post cycle therapy prevents your body from a hormone level chaos. After a cycle your hormone levels are not where they are supposed to be normally on their own. So if you don't do a PCT, this condition can go as long as months. All of these complications can cause high blood pressure, man boobs, low libido etc.… So I you don’t do a PCT, not only you will lose your gains, you will lose your health as well. So we strongly recommend that you will consider a Post Cycle Therapy after you do a steroid cycle.