What is Oxandrolone (Anavar)?

Since the invention of Anabolic Androgenic steroids, there is no other steroid that comes close to what oxandrolone can offer. Lean muscle gains, performance enhancing, fat burning. Safest anabolic androgenic steroid on the market since it has been on the markets.
Oxandrolone came into markets during 60s. This substance is sold under the names like Anavar or Oxandrin. Anavar is the popular one of course. Like the most anabolic androgenic steroids, oxandrolone was developed for treating diseases or preventing outcomes of diseases like HIV. Anavar was accepted as a therapeutic drug. It is recorded that on many occasions Anavar was used for weight control after surgery or for increasing bone density to prevent injuries.
The Effect
Oxandrolone is widely accepted steroid among the athletes and bodybuilders for numerous reasons. Performance enhancing is one of them. Oxandrolone increases the level of testosterone in the body. But this does not mean that you will get a bulking effect out of this drug. For men, using oxandrolone does not necessarily mean you will gain massive amounts of muscle. It does’nt work that way. But for women users gains of muscle can be accepted because women body is simply more sensitive and more responsive to this particular substance.
It is generally accepted that oxandrolone is for cutting cycles and it Works best with cutting cycle drugs. Oxandrolone helps the body in a way that body can retain more nitrogen. Also decreasing the SHBG levels effect of this substance means more testosterone in the body.
To sum up, Oxandrolone helps to enhance the performance, the gains after using is very respectable, makes the muscles more defined and perfect steroid for cutting cycles and off-season using.
Oxandrolone and the brand name drugs that made of oxandrolane are orally ingested steroids. It comes in tablets. The Daily dosage of usage is rarely over 20mg when it is prescribed. It is generally accepted that 5-10 mg per day is enough when in a cycle.
But the athletes and bodybuilders take 20-30 mg to 80-100 mg a day when they on a cutting cycle. Just keep in mind that as for all the steroids: higher dosage is higher risk of side effects.
We must warn you that oxandrolone is fairly more expensive steroid than the most. But the biggest problem on the market isn’t the prices of the drug but finding original ones. There are complaints that there are drugs that is sold as oxandrolone but in fact they have some other steroid as substance.
Side Effects
As we said before oxandrolone is the friendliest anabolic steroid. It has very little side effects. of course abusing any kind of steroid or drug comes with some side effects. Oxandrolon may cause acne, deepening of the voice (for women), changes in menstrual cycles(for women), gynecomastia (for men) and insomnia. So please be responsible when you use.
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