What is Letrozole ?
30 Nov

Letrozole is a brand name of an anti-estrogen drug that was discovered to fight breast cancer fort he post-menopausal women. The drug is in the AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) family. Among the AI’s Letzorole is one of the most powerful and effective drugs. After Letrozole got its approval in 1997 by the FDA, the drug was released on the markets for competing a similar drug named Arimidex (Anastrozole).
The Effect
As we said above, Letzorole was discovered for fighting the breast cancer but the drug found itself a respectable place among the bodybuilders that use anabolic steroids. Preventing the increase of the estrogen levels in the body is very important when someone is fighting breast cancer. Estrogen is one of the main reason many of the breast cancer types exist.
Some anabolic steroids come with side effects. These side effects can be both androgenic or estrogenic based. Letrozole (Femara) is an aromatase inhibitor which means the drug helps to block the aromatase enzyme. If this blocking does not succeed, the process can result in a possible estrogen production. Increasing the estrogen levels in the body can cause some estrogen related side effects which we mention some of them above. Letrozole (Femara) is popular among the bodybuilders because the drug helps preventing estrogenic side effects like are excessive water retention, gynecomastia, high blood pressure.
Letrozole (Femara) also helps to increase the natural testosterone production in the body. Although it is not the most popular one, Letrozole (Femara) treatment is one of the ways to treat low testosterone patients.
For the treatment of breast cancer, the normal dosage of the drug is 2,5mg per day. This is a very high and powerful dosage because when someone fights cancer, radical solutions must be taken in action. 2,5mg a day is so dangerous that when the body is at the most risk, breast cancer patients change to the drug named NOVALDEX for a while to take a rest from Letrozole (Femara).
For athletes and bodybuilders 0.5 to 1 mg of Letrozole (Femara) is more than enough for preventing estrogen related side effects. The drug must be used in a very careful way.
Side Effects
Like Arimidex, some range of side effects can be expected when you use Letrozole (Femara). Weakness and Fatigue are the most common side effects of the drug. But fort he Professional bodybuilder these are not situations the can’t be managed. Use of anabolic steroids and other helping drugs in the cycle, these side effects can be easily solved. Also side effects may include
• difficulty breathing
• facial swelling and also hot flashes,
• headache,
• night sweats,
• muscle or joint pain,
• weight gain,
• nausea.
Letrozole (Femara) is a powerful drug so if you see any unexpected side effects like these please see a doctor immediately.
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