Halotestin is an oral anabolic androgenic steroid. As the most steroid based drugs Halotestin was first developed (in the 1950s) to be used in treatments of various diseases such as Malnutrition, Paraplegia and Muscle wasting diseases. The athletes and bodybuilders started using this synthetic drug because it is high anabolic rating and fast acting nature. Improving strength and hardening muscles… These qualities made the Halotestin one of the strongest and most respected steroids on the market.

The Effect

Halostestin is known for pure strength steroid. So it won’t help you gain a lot of mass muscle. Increasing strength and aggression is the main benefit out of this drug. So Halotestin has a very specific benefit and athletes and body builders tend to use this drug according to this benefit. For example, the athletes who need strength and aggression like fighters or power lifters can use this steroid to achieve their goal.

Halotestin helps you when you are in a cutting phase. The drug has hardening effect. Also Halotestin promotes burning fat so this makes the drug ideal for cutting NOT BULKING. As a result having this qualities helps you gain more defined look.


Halotestin has a fast acting nature and its half-life is short. So athletes and body builders generally start using this drug around 10 mg to 20 mg per day dosage. But if your body reacts well you can up your dosage to 30 mg to 40 mg range to get more dramatic results. Because of Halotestins shot half-life you need to take it frequently. So splitting Daily dosage into half can be answer. Taking the Daily dosage in half in AM and half in the PM is what generally body builders does.

Side Effects

Halotestin does not aromatize. So this means you won’t be facing ant estrogenic side effects like gynecomastia and excess water retention. But halotestin is a strongly androgenic steroid. So it is normal to expect androgenic side effects like hair loss, acne, oily skin. Halotestin is a dangerous steroid to use. Orally taken drugs are always a little toxic but Halotestin is very dangerous in this department. Nausea and vomiting, headache, change in skin color, anxiety and increased aggression can be seen as side effects when one uses this drug.

If you want to buy original halotestin steroids please click below link:
