In bodybuilding, bulk means increasing muscle volume, in the simplest terms. The volume occupied by the muscles operated during this period increases, and thus, the studies that are carried out begin to be seen more clearly from the outside. The main goal in this process, called bulking, bulk period and similar names, is to increase muscle mass. Those who are ready can do these works at any time, but it is generally not wrong to say that winter months are preferred for bulk. During this period, calorie needs should be met while more cautious than normal. Therefore, there may be some changes in nutritional habits.

The foods taken while bulking should be based on carbohydrates and protein. It should be noted that if the foods intake contain a lot of fat, it should be known that the fat mass will increase instead of muscle mass. Care must be taken to keep lubrication to a minimum. If you do not pay enough attention to this, not the muscular arms, saggy and oily arms will appear.

How Long Does Bulk Period Last?

It is very difficult to establish a clear figure about how long the bulk process will take. It may be possible for people to bulk at different times according to their goals. For example; If the target of someone who is 75 kilos is to reach 81 kilos, the bulk continues until he succeeds. Some people can complete it in 2 months, while others can complete it in 3 months. In other words, it is not possible to talk about a clear figure about time. But again, the weight gained here should be muscle, not fat. Therefore, it should be known that it is not the same as a normal weight gain.

How To Eat While Making Bulk?

The most important issue when making bulk is nutrition. Protein, fat and carbohydrate ratios of the foods consumed are extremely important. At this point, it should be known that personal differences occur. In other words, there is no method applied by everyone. Instead, it can be said that there are different ways to follow the person's body structure. Below are some details about how the diet should be according to their body structure.

Ectomorph Body

It can be expressed as the type of body that cannot gain excess weight even if desired. People with this body type can keep the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins slightly higher when bulk. But in doing so, they need to adjust their exercise schedule accordingly. Otherwise, lubrication may occur in some parts of the body.


Endomorph Body

The general feature of this type is that they are suitable for weight gain. Those with an endomorph body usually have rounded lines and can gain weight very easily. While bulking, these people should keep their carbohydrate and fat levels low and protein-intensive.


Mesomorph Body

It is a body type that loses weight easily. It can be said that people with this type of body are lucky. These people can implement a more balanced nutrition program in the bulk period.

Things to consider when making Bulk

There are different points to be aware of during the Bulk period. They should closely monitor all of these issues and, where necessary, a number of measures should be taken. Some of these issues are as follows:

Calorie Count

The calorie calculation comes first among the issues to be considered while making bulk. So that this situation is explained with some analogy and it is emphasized how important it is. The situation of the person who does not look ahead while driving is the same as the person who does not have a calorie account when bulk.

To gain weight, you need to take more than you burn. For this, you need to know how many calories you eat and how many calories your movements take. Thus, you will find that you need to increase and decrease your calorie amount more easily in order to gain weight. It should be remembered that the calorie intake should not be fat.


Malnutrition comes first among the mistakes made with Bulk. During this period, protein-based nutrition should generally be required. However, enough carbohydrates and fats should also be taken to supply the necessary energy. These will provide the necessary energy, while the protein will cause an increase in muscle mass.


Organizing Workouts

In this period, there is an idea that not only the way of eating, but also the movements should be changed. It is very difficult to say that this is exactly true. Cardio and similar training should not be changed, especially if there is no extra situation. However, if fat-related situations occur, changing training may come to the fore during this period.


Tracking Development

In order to see and notice the effects of your work and nutrition during this period, you need to follow closely. For this, it can be said that the most effective method is photographing. At normal times, people cannot notice the change in themselves. But when comparing the photos, the change is very clearly seen. If change occurs, it is understood to be successful. However, if there is no change or if the change is not at the desired level, it may be necessary to change the diet this time. In this respect, it should be known that follow-up is extremely important.

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