Stay away from these foods if you are going to do bodybuilding

Body building by lifting weights is one of the most popular sports activities for men and women. Achieving an image with distinct muscles is their biggest dream. For this dream, they are really quite selfless and patient. The way to have a triangular body in folk language is through heavy sports and a diet that supports this sport.
The choice of foods they eat as well as their sports requires a lot of care. The foods they consume are protein-based and are selected from products that prioritize muscle health. In the process of having a muscular body, there are also foods that should be avoided. In this article, we will focus on foods that heavy sports people should not consume.
1. Protein Free Foods
In bodybuilding protein = means muscle. Therefore, protein values of consumed foods should be well known. A normal athlete takes care of regular and balanced nutrition and consumes every vitamin from each diet. This is not the case for body builders. Body builders have to prefer protein-weighted foods that affect muscles.
2. Alcohol
The harm that alcohol causes to human health and the damage it causes to our body is a well-known fact. Alcohol, which should be avoided in every person's daily life, should not be used by athletes, especially body builders. Alcohol prevents the body from producing protein due to the active ingredients it contains. Alcohol, which is also high in calories, prevents muscles from recovering and prevents the abdominal muscles from becoming visible due to the carbohydrates it contains. For many other reasons, alcohol is one of the main drinks that athletes should stay away from.
3. Unnecessary Oils
Fat should be included in the prepared diet lists, but these fats should be considered as healthy fats. In order to have fatty and strong muscles, the body should also have fat input. In this case, the needed oil should be met by nutrients containing natural oils such as nuts. Processed oils added to food should be avoided. Natural olive oil can also be used if it is controlled and used correctly. Avoiding harmful fats and nutrients derived from these fats will significantly support muscle formation.
4. Bread
One of the foods that people who do body building should stay away is bread. It would be more accurate to limit the bread category to white bread. The need for bread should be met from whole grain or oat breads that are rich in carbohydrates. White bread has the ability to drop blood sugar suddenly, which makes the person hungry. This situation is prevented by the bread with high fiber content grain.
5. Fastfood
People who aim at a muscular body should give up their fastfood habits, if any. Fastfoods are easy to digest, cheap and addictive in terms of their contents. Although they do not contribute much to the body, they have the function of increasing the rate of fat. The nutrients that affect the body as fat, unfortunately, also prevents muscle formation. Even if one wants to consume fastfood, he can choose it from foods with high protein value.
6. Coke and Similar drinks
Certainly, cola is one of the most important drinks to be avoided in bodybuilding. The most important reason for this is the amount of calories gained from sugar. Sugared acidic beverages such as cola and cola are also products that trigger weight gain. It is a well-known fact that it is addictive because of its caffeine content. Those who do heavy sports should be able to say goodbye easily and even think of light ones. Increasing the body fat ratio alone is sufficient reason to avoid cola alone.
7. Excessive Amount of Protein Powder
Bodybuilders should consume a certain amount of protein powder during the day. There are a lot of people who is wrong by thinking to make the muscle easier too much protein powder should be consumed. Excess protein does not mean excess muscle, but is consumed in excess, stored as fat in the body. In this case, the body will not be at the desired point. Correct and limited nutrition is as important as sports in bodybuilding.
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