Most people experience back pain at some point in life. For many back pain a constant nuisance.

An important way to prevent stiffness and pain in your back is to move. And if you feel you have a little pain, it is usually better to keep running instead of resting. Do you have big problems, however, you should of course get help from doctors, naprapath or physiotherapist.

The exercises here next is to strengthen the back. The best thing is to train their abs - a strong muscular corset, a stable center gives you a stronger body.

Can not make or feel that you can do the exercises so do not let that get at least get out of the office chair.
Stretch your back, stretch the hip front - put your body in motion.


Start your workout with a warm-up for at least ten minutes on the bike, rowing machine or by jogging or walking briskly. You should rest two to three days between sessions.

Training with elastic bands:

Position 1: You will need a rubber band. Sit down on the floor, have your legs slightly bent in front of the body. Put the rubber band under both feet and let your toes pointing slightly forward, so that the band can not roll up over the foot. Cross the band in front of your body while holding a handle in each hand. Drag the handles so that your elbows pointing backwards.
Mode 2: Stop when it feels firmly between the shoulder blades and walk slowly back. Remember to keep your back straight and shoulders lowered.

Rehearsals: 15.
Rounds: 3.
Work out with dumbbell:

Mode 1: Stand on "four feet", hold your stomach without arch your back. Hold a dumbbell in right / left hand and let the arm being bent.
Location 2: Lift your arm so that your elbow pointing straight up toward the ceiling. Go as far as the elbow is at shoulder height. Return to the starting position. This exercise strengthens the muscles around the shoulder blade.
Rehearsals: 15.
Rounds: 2 on each arm.