Take anabolic steroids in a proper way and avoid addiction
Anabolic steroids are synthetic derivatives of the male hormone testosterone. The term anabolic refers to muscle building, and androgenic refers to the increase of male sex characteristics. The majority of the bodybuilders and sportsperson prefer using these supplements.
But, one has to be careful while taking these steroids. If you are taking wrong doses or if you have missed a dose, this may result in serious health risks. For steroid users, proper doses should be taken to avoid consequences like breast growth (in men), sexual dysfunction, high blood pressure, excessive fats in the blood, heart disease, mood swings, severe irritability, or aggressiveness.
What happens if you miss a dose?
When you are using steroids, you are not likely to miss a single dose. But, if this happens, you should take the dose as early as possible. But, don’t take overdose in order to make up the skipped one. This may lead to serious consequences.
What happens if I overdose?
If you are taking overdoses, you may suffer from serious adverse effects. A wrong dose can be harmful to the physical body and mental health. Thus, you have to be careful while taking the dose. Overdoses can result in addiction!
Anabolic steroids users give up other activities like work out violate their dietary restriction and moreover, stop using steroids. This is due to anxiety, depression of not gaining satisfying muscle mass.
Sometimes, withdrawal may also happen when a user develops a dependence. Research shows that the misuse of steroids can grow dependence. Addiction to steroids can be fatal, and this leads to death as well. Some athletes and bodybuilders misuse anabolic androgenic steroids to boost their performance level and improve their physical strength. This may result in huge negative effects.
If anyone is taking steroids despite physical problems, high cost, adverse effect on their relationship, these are the signs of addiction.
If anyone is trying to stop using steroids, she or he may suffer a lot of serious health risks. Some of the side effects are given below.
· The user can suffer from excess fatigue.
· Restlessness is another side effect.
· One can experience loss of appetite.
· Sleeping disorder is quite common.
· Decreased sex life.
· One of the most steroid withdrawal symptoms is depression.
So, these are a few side effects which can happen when you will try to stop using steroids. Some steroid users attempt suicide.
How can one get treatment for anabolic steroid addiction?
Those who are addicted to anabolic androgenic substances go for effective treatment like behavioral therapy or medical help.
In most of the cases, people take medicines to treat withdrawal symptoms. Health care providers prescribed antidepressants to treat depression, pain medicine to treat pains in head, muscles, and joints. Other medicines are to be used to maintain the patient’s hormonal system.
So, from this piece of writing, it is sure that anabolic steroids are addictive. Therefore, you have to be careful while taking the doses. Then only you can avoid adverse consequences and enjoy your life.
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