Anabolic Steroids: Types, Cycle, Use in Bodybuilding & Side Effects

Are you a bodybuilder or athlete? Do you want to transform your body fast? Then you can use anabolic steroids to meet your goal. Anabolic steroids are derivatives of Testosterone that can help you get bigger and stronger muscles quickly. Unlike other muscle boosting supplements, you will start seeing significant gains in muscle mass and strength in just a few weeks by using steroids. You don’t have to wait several months before you can see any effect.
However, in today’s article, we will discuss a few essential things every beginner must be aware of before consuming any of the steroid compounds for physical or performance enhancement purposes. We will also tell you how you can choose a reliable store to buy anabolic steroids online later in this post. Consider reading the rest if the article properly to know more in this regard.
Types of Steroids
Most anabolic steroids come in oral and injectable form. Depending on the purpose for which they are used, steroids can be categorized into three types: Bulking steroids, cutting steroids, and performance steroids. Bulking and cutting steroids are widely popular among bodybuilders and weightlifters looking to attain an attractive physique like professional bodybuilders and bodybuilding legends. Athletes use performance steroids to enhance athletic performance to a great extent.
Here are some of the popular bulking steroids: Dianabol, Testosterone, Deca Durabolin, Trenbolone, Anadrol, etc. You can use these steroids to build up muscle mass fast.
Here are the best steroids for cutting: Anavar, Winstrol, Trenbolone, etc. You can use these steroids to burn off the excess fat and get a lean body.
Steroids Cycle
It’s extremely important that you follow a protocol when using steroids. Steroids are usually taken in this manner: Several weeks on, followed by a few weeks or months off, then again several weeks on. Now, the duration in which a user consumes one or more anabolic steroids to achieve his bodybuilding or performance-enhancing goals is called a cycle. A steroid cycle usually lasts between 4-12 weeks. However, oral steroid cycles usually last between 4-6 weeks since taking steroid pills longer than 6 weeks continuously can cause serious damage to the liver.
Anabolic Steroid Benefits for Bodybuilders and Athletes
Here are the reasons why bodybuilders and athletes use anabolic steroids:
- Steroids improve nitrogen retention and increase protein synthesis. As a result, the user experiences improved muscle growth fast.
- Steroid compounds increase red blood cell count, resulting in improved stamina and endurance.
- Anabolic steroids boost the healing rate. It helps a person get over injuries quickly.
Side Effects of Anabolic Steroids
Anabolic steroids may cause some adverse effects. The effects include acne, enlargement of breasts in men, a deepening of the voice in women, excessive facial and body hair, male pattern baldness, water retention, suppression of the natural Testosterone in the body, etc. You should follow the dosage instructions and usage guidelines to manage these side effects.
How to choose a Reliable Online Steroid Store?
Here are some tips that will help you choose a reliable shop to buy anabolic steroids online:
- Look for long-established and reputed suppliers.
- Check to see if the supplier keeps authentic and original products from the top manufacturers in stock.
- Check the available payment options and shipping term before making the final decision.
Hope, it will make it easier for you to buy steroid compounds online.
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