The History

Steroids are commonly used among athletes that can enhance their performance and protect their body from injuries. After steroids product started to commonly used among all of the sports, athletes started to notice injection of steroids was not always the steril way to use them. Sometimes steroid injection can be a little bit of problem because one needs a sterile environment, needle other stuff to inject steroids. Sometimes you don’t have the time or the sterile place to do it. So this kind of situations were the reason that people started to think there must be a better and quicker way to take steroid products and not having to cut their cure because of the difficulties of injections. So medicine industry found a solution: oral steroids. Steroids that come in a tablet or a capsule form. This revolution made steroids consumption easier, quicker and relatively healthy …  

What are oral steroids?

Steroids can be found in numerous forms in nature. But since we are concern about gaining muscle and getting stronger we won't be explaining all of the steroids to you guys. When we say stroids we mean Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. And they are some kind of synthetic hormones that work like male sex hormones named testosterone. These hormones makes a body of muscle become more developed and therefore stronger. Oral steroids are orally use and ingested synthetic pills or capsules that do the work of testosterone in a body. Also oral steroids are used in various ways in medicine to treat problems caused by low level of testosterone. But of course, using steroids makes a muscle group grow bigger and this helps gaining more strength or helps just for appearance purposes. Steroids comes in a lot of ways to use. Oral steroids are just one of a bunch. There are oral steroids or cream steroids etc. But oral and injectable steroids are most used PEDs around the globe for some number of reasons.

Why do we use oral steroids?

Oral and injectable steroids are one of the most consumed steroid products amongst the group. Oral steroids are commonly used for number of reasons like;
It is much more easier to possess, carry or use oral steroids. There is no need to getting ready to using oral steroids. Also you don’t have to worry about  if you have enough needles or other material. Or carry them with you for that matter.  
You just swallow the tablet or the capsule. That is it. The easy and simple way…
This pros comes with some cons unfortunately. Oral steroids goes through digestive system so chemicals that used to form steroids in a tablet form can be harmful. Also abuse of oral steroids can harm the liver.
Oral Steroids have relatively less efficiency than injectable steroids. Because they don’t stay in your body as long as injected ones. So if you want to consume oral steroids, you need use them frequently like a couple in a day or every once in couple hours. 

Types of Oral Steroids

There are many types of oral steroids. The reason there are many of them is the purpose behind using these products can differ. So we must decided what are we oral injectable steroids for, and what is our porpose and what are we expecting by using steroids. After answering these questions we can decide if are going to use which kind of oral steroids product, or how long we have to use them.
There are many reasons for using oral steroids aside from performance enhancing. Like Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis),  Autoimmune diseases (for example, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), autoimmune hepatitis), Joint and muscle diseases (for example, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica), Allergies, Asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Croup. These are just some of them. So oral steroids are extensively used for treatments in medicine.
Here are some popular oral steroids that you can consume according to your purpose

Detection Time

The time frame that the steroid products you use are still detectable in your body or in your blood is a ‘detection time’. Orally used steroids are able to quickly digested and leave your system. This is not an option you have if you use injectable steroids. The juice frequency causes the injectable steroids to stay a longer time in your body then oral steroids. Actually a lot of athletes starts theri cure with injectable steroids and swicth to oral steroids because their half life is shorter.  

Before Taking Oral Steroids

There are some steps need to be taken before every use of steroids. When it comes to health, it is no joke and you should always be careful when you taking care of your body. Even the smallest complications can lead conditions that may need extensive treatment. So we suggest before you start using oral steroids, learn everything about this procedure. Become good at it. Try to know every possible outcome of it. And after you made sure you have the proper knowledge then start using. Before you swallow  And of course, always read the expiration date on every product you use no matter what. Use the right kind of brand acording to your purpose.
The results of oral steroids can be observed in a few days. This timeline can differ of course. Oral steroids are highly efficient and respected around in industry. Especially if you want a quick dramatic growth of your muscle groups. Some oral steroid brands are really gets you there. Bu we must say, working for a purpose and sacrificing for a goal is crucial for getting there. And even though steroids help you get stronger, get more toned, gets you look good… If you don’t put the time and the sweat and the work in, don’t expect miracles.