About Anabolic Steroids Cycle
30 Nov

What is a Steroids Cycle?
Basically a steroids cycle is a time frame that you use anabolic steroids according to a plan to reach your purpose.
Which are generally
- To gain more lean muscle and get stronger
- To define those mucles you gained for better looking
- To enhance performance and athletic purposes
During a cycle, steroids or other products are carefully selected because knowing which product goes with which product is a crucial part of the process. Also the intensity of a cycle carries a lot of importance as well. Questions like “How much a steroids cycle should continue?” or “How many of which steroids should you take” are the questions must be answered before you start your steroid cycle. Also we should explain what a ‘stack’ means about now. A ‘stack’ means the combination of the products you use when you are on a cycle. A stack has steroid combinations or other helping elements like peptides, SERMs etc. in it. Athletes or bodybuilders decide their stacks for theri cycle according to their goal and body type. Of course some of the products Works better with than with other. This will be in the equation as well.

Why do you need a Steroid Cycle?
Studies Show us that steroids are much much more efficient when they are being used in a more logical, programmed way in a period of time. It takes the body some time to getting used to taking synthetic substances from outside the body. So the results will take a while when you are using steroid products. But how do you decide what dose of which product you should take? You know taking steroids in high doses blindly is not efficient also is very dangerous. A steroids cycle helps you to maximize the results and prevents you from experimenting on yourself which we know for a fact that can be harmful to your body. A steroids cycle plans your steroids usage doses and plans your gains. Also having a cycle will help you plan your post cycle therapy which is a crucial phase to keep your gains.
The Safety Issue
It is no secret that anabolic androgenic steroids are easily abused and can be harmful to the body when they are being used without any supervision and any knowledge about the subject. So how will you decide what cycle you should do or what kind of steroids you should use are questions you can’t answers by yourself if you don’t have any knowledge about the subject before. First of all, it is generally recommended that the people that are under 24 must not take steroids. Of course this rule can change from body type to body type but the general principle is you should not use steroids if you are under 24. Stick with a diet and workout plans only. After answering this question, you should decide what is your goal? Do you want to look in a certain way? Do you want to gain mass? Do you want to burn fat? All of this questions and many more should be answer when you decided to start a cycle and base your stack according to your goal.
First Timers
Also if you are first timer, it is recommended that you should keep the cycle as simple as possible. Some even says that first cycle only contain testosterone and nothing else. Because you don’t know how your body will respond to taking steroids supplements. General idea when a first timer starts to his/her first cycle is should be to ‘start slow and build up your body to more strong cycles’. Your body will get used to cycles and post cycle therapies, you will get much more sustainable gains in this way. Also this simple process will teach you your own body. So When you do a much more intense and strong cycle, you will have the opportunity to react to complications because you know your body so well. Don’t forget, short period and minimum dosage are what you are looking for. Efficiency is the name of the game here.
Choosing Cycles
As we explained before, choosing what kind of cycle you should do comes down to the questions like “What is your goal?” What do you expect out of a steroids cycle? Here are some basic cycle types according to purposes of them.
- Bulking Cycles: For mass gaining purposes, these cycles are generally chosen among the others. It helps to gain and sustain more muscles as much as you can. Also these cycles are rather cheaper than the other kinds.
- Cutting Cycles: Once you are done with bulking, you will need yo loose fat and water weight to look leaner and more defined. Cutting cycles comes handy in this situations. Of course cutting cycles goes with proper diet and workout plan.
- Other/special Cycles: There are no exact science of a cycle you should start. As we said before, according to your purpose cycles can differ. For example if you want to enhance your performance, if you are an athlete the cycle you should be different than bulking or cutting cycles. Special cycles are design for these special kind of goal. But their principals are basically same as other.
Side Effects
Steroids Cycles can be dangerous if you do it them without any knowledge and preparation before you start. Not knowing your products and doses you will use are basicly wasting time. So do your research, get help and get supervision when you are on a cycle. Taking synthetic hormones from outside and not producing its own, the body gets used to it. So basically the biggest side effect is after a cycle your body is no longer producing hormones at the level before you started your cycle. There are also other side effects like testicular shrinkage, decrease in sperm count, impotence, roid rage, premature balding, enlarged prostate and gynecomastia. For women, side effect can be observed like increase of decrease of the menstrual cycles, deepening of the voice etc when steroid cycles are done without supervision.
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