10 ways to quickly get rid of the pain caused by challenging exercises

Difficult exercises are very important for body development. But such exercises also cause pain in the body. These pains that do not appear immediately usually appear 24 hours after the exercise. And it can continue up to 72 hours. The severity of the pain is sometimes quite high and seriously reduces the quality of life of people. These pains usually disappear spontaneously after 72 hours. But it's up to you to speed up this process and get rid of pain earlier. By following the methods mentioned here, you can get rid of your pain in a short time.
1) Consume Carbohydrates
The body seeks to regain energy lost after exercise begins. At this point, the most effective food source is carbohydrates. Burning is very fast, and the amount of calories it gives is high. Therefore, carbohydrates should be consumed after the exercises. In addition, 25-50 g protein and less than 10 g fat should be taken. Since absorption will slow down as the amount of oil increases, the amount of oil should be kept low. Thanks to this type of nutrition, muscle recovery and development is accelerated. This will reduce pain.
2) Multivitamin Usage
After the exercises, the level of free radicals rises. These can cause some damage and pain. Multivitamins, which contain many vitamins, effectively prevent damage caused by free radicals. It even facilitates the breakdown of free radicals. Thanks to these effects, it enables the pain of exercise to pass in a shorter time.
3) BCAA Consumption
Not all of the methods applied to relieve the pain occurring after the exercise quickly are applied after the exercises. Some methods can also be applied before workouts and between meals. Taking BCAA also draws attention as one of them. Thanks to the BCAA taken, protein synthesis takes place. This is very important for the development and repair of muscles. So your exercise pain will go away in a shorter time.
4) Abundant Water Consumption
Lactic acid is one of the factors that cause fatigue and thus pain in muscles during exercise. By drinking plenty of water, you can remove lactic acid and other toxins formed in the muscles much faster from your body. In addition, consumption of water is effective in relieving pain in your joint areas.
5) Active Recovery
After a heavy workout, you need to recover actively so that you do not have muscle pain or that these pains disappear more quickly. Active recovery can be expressed as resting with light exercises instead of just sitting or standing still. Low-tempo cardio and yoga are examples.
6) Hot Cold Compress
Blood flow rate is of great importance in the removal of lactic acid and toxins accumulated in the muscles. Because of this situation, athletes should increase their blood flow rates. This can be done easily with the application of hot and cold compresses. Thus, toxins and lactic acid are effectively removed from the body. This causes pain to decrease and disappear completely over time. However, these applications should not be applied directly to bare skin, but through a towel or something similar.
7) Follow the Right Diet
The right diet is important at every moment of the exercise process. Apart from this, it is effective even on pain after exercise. Therefore, excessive diets should be avoided. Carbohydrates, proteins and fats should be taken in the correct proportions.
8) Small Rests
Your sleep should be regular at night, but besides this, do not forget to make small rests as much as you can. Thanks to the 15 - 25 minute rests, your body is rested more effectively. This causes the blood pressure to stabilize and stress to decrease.
9) Massage with Mobile Tools
Massaging your aching muscles with a set of tools provides relaxation of your stuck muscles. The mobile tools to be used give highly effective results at this point. The relaxation of the muscles will cause the pain to decrease significantly.
10) Foam Roller
One of the best alternatives to use for massage is the foam roller. Although it looks like a simple instrument, its effects are enormous. Firstly, it provides increased flexibility, functional joints and muscle imbalances. Thanks to this exercise for 15 minutes, it becomes easier to remove lactic acid and toxins from the body. As a result of all this, muscle pain after exercise significantly passes.
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