Why don’t my muscles grow?

Motivation and performance is strongly connected. Some are training to prevent back pain, other exercise to get rid of some excess weight or build larger muscles. But whatever the goal may be to lose fitness loss if you do not notice any results.
It is obviously important to have realistic expectations about how quickly results can come. It requires such several years of regular and rigorous training before they can compare themselves with one trained by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
But what are realistic expectations can you have? New research shows that the first visible signs of that weight training can be measured after six weeks. Notice that it says "measured" and not "marked".
Researchers at the University of Novi Sad in Serbia could measure namely that over the arms of their subjects was five percent greater in circumference after a test period of 1.5 months with five training days a week. The study confirms yet again that it takes patience and diligence exercise to get results.
You do not work out five times a week, or wait six weeks to get results. If you write down how the heavy weights you train with will soon have proof that you become stronger.
This is particularly novices. During the first few weeks are namely nerve cells better at communicating with the muscles, and as you can lift heavier weights. Muscles can be built faster if you avoid some pitfalls.
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