Biceps Training

Biceps are the upper arm muscle that is willing anterior side of the arm, it has few tendons. Biceps are the muscles that are traditionally associated with "strength".
It does not take a lot of bicep curls to get big biceps. To get bigger biceps, you should train your entire body and when your body gets bigger and stronger your biceps will be. It is important to train right and eat right. Here you can read about what exercises you can do, what to eat, and last but not least, what mistakes to avoid.
What do you call your biceps?
Pipes. Guns. Bazookas? Sure, you want big biceps but it takes hard weight training to achieve results. Biceps are a small muscle compared to the legs, back and chest muscles, so it is important not to over train the muscle.
There are different programs you can follow to achieve their desired results. Some drive more reps and sets than others so it's hard to say what is right and wrong. What is important is that the muscle strain and fatigue it. For light weights does not give as good results but for high weights make you lose control and perform the exercises wrong. Find the right weight for you and increase gradually.
3x8, 4x6, 3x10. There are many variations of reps and sets. Most common is to run between 3-4 sets of 6-12reps.
More is not always better
If 4 sets is better than 3 sets why not do 9 sets. You will of course have the objective of your workout to perform better than your last workout. When you managed to achieve a few extra reps or an extra kilogram is the time to go to the next exercise. Torturing not muscle another hour. Let it rest.
Too little focus on the total strength of some great bodybuilding guys train infrequently their arms and instead put effort and energy to increase its strength in the chest, back and shoulder strength. By effectively train the major muscle groups in the upper body, your biceps certainly be along for the ride and grow along with the other muscles. If you train your biceps too much, it will also be difficult to perform when you train your back because back training requires a lot of arm strength.
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