What is Dianabol? (Methandrostenolone)

Dianabol is one of the oldest performance enhancing drugs that have been used through history if not the oldest. Athletes started taking this synthetic substance for getting bigger and stronger since 1950s. This particular steroid was so popular at that time, all the gyms and all the athletes (especially the ones uses rather their strength like heavy lifters or bodybuilders) were using this Methandrostenolone tablets.

The Effect

It is accepted that dianabol is the base anabolic steroid. Commonly athletes don’t only use dianobol, but they use this steroid with other helping steroids like Trenbolone or Masteron. Dianabol is so strong that you can gain a lot of muscle in really shot period of time. It increases the level of testosterone in the body. Boosting protein synthesis and increasing the nitrogen retention in muscles are other effects of this anabolic steroids. Reducing fatigue and speeding up the recovery process is also important effects of Dianabol

Side Effects

Dianabol is a highly estrogenic steroid. So this comes with some problems like water retention in the body. This means all of your gains does’nt necessarily mean is lean muscle gain. It can be water wait. But this problem can be overcome with anti-estrogens or dieting. Especially male users must be really careful when they use Dianabol. Because Dianabol causes arometese activity, your estrogen levels will spike up. This can cause gynecomastia. Also, baldness, acne, high blood pressure and increased aggression are some of the side effect of this particular anabolic steroid.

The Administration

Its is believed that starting dosage of Dianabol is 1t mg per day. But of course the athletes who wants more dramatic growing tends to take 20-25 mg a day when they start. You need take into consideration that more you take, more side effects you will face. Which can be more difficult to face them then. Athletes often follow two roads when taking their doses. The first one is splitting the Daily doses into 2 or three minimal doses. Dianabol has 2 to 3 hours of half-life. So this method helps you to maximize the period of peak effect of the substances at the blood. The other choice is taking the daily dosage at one. So this way you can get a higher peak at one which can help your training when you take Dianabol before the training accordingly.

As we tried to explain, Dianabol helps you gain muscle in a fast and effective way. It is simple and strong.  Also it is rather affordable. It is a steroid that has been in the market for over fifty years. If you want rapid gainings. This is the product for you. Of course You should always ask a doctor before starting to take this anabolic steroid.