Anabol Biritsh Dispensary is a oral steroid manufactured in Thailand by the company Thailand. The effective substance is Methandionone. This product is referred as legend among bodybuilders. It has been a favorite of bodybuilders for many years. Therefore, there are a lot of fakes ones on the market. This product will cause enormous power while intake and will develop great muscle gains. Its combined well with Deca, Trenbolone and Testosterone derivatives. Especially, when it’s combined with testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate will develop very good results. The use of Boldenone (equipoise) and Oxymetholone is not recommended while intake of Anabol. Because it’s coming from the same drug family.

This combination will prevent you to yield. Here are some examples of cycles combined with Anabol:
1-12 weeks 300 mg nandrolone decanoate(deca)
1-15 weeks 500 mg testosterone cypionate
1-6 weeks 30 mg daily, in the morning, noon, evening. (3 tablets total)
3-15 weeks 10 mg Tamoxifen citrate (Nolvadex) daily
18th week total: 5000 ui HCG Pregnyl every two day
18th week 50 mg Clomid (Clomiphene) daily
19th week 50 mg Clomid (Clomiphene) daily
20th week 50 mg Clomid (Clomiphene) daily

Note: If desired, Tamoxifen Citrate may not be used during the whole length of cycle. If itching starts on the nipple, you can start to take 20 mg Tamoxifen daily until the itching ends. Dont forget that Tamoxifen Citrate is an important anti-estrogen which prevents gynecomastia. If you want to avoid catabolic mode and induce fat loss after your cycle, the intake of Clenbuterol is recommended. The daily use of Clenbuterol should be as follows:

The daily intake should be this way.

How to tell the difference between real and fake Anabol?

The photo below shows that there is only fake pink 5 mg anabol tablets on the market. Is still quite difficult to come across the original ones. Original and fake photos of pink Anabol tablets are as follows:
British dispansery has started to produce yellow 10 mg tablets in 500 tabs boxes since 2010. The original product has become quite difficult to find since the year 2012. Because legal obstacles has occurred output in pharmaceutical warehouses in Thailand. But still, you can find genuine yellow 10 mg tablets in some reliable anabolic steroids. You can find original Anabol from  I bought for 3-4 months ago and the products were original and I was satisfied.