Ligandrol Lgd/4033 Odin Pharma

What is Ligandrol Lgd/4033 Odin Pharma?
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient: Sarms
Pack: 30 mg x 30 Tabs
Form: Oral
Ligandrol/LGD-4033 is one of the most potent selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) on the market. This SARM is developed by Ligand Pharmaceuticals, San Diego-based pharmaceutical company. It is one of the most sought-after SARMs among bodybuilders and athletes that seek appearance enhancement. Like anabolic steroids, this compound can stimulate muscle growth. It can help you get better results in the gym.
- Increased lean muscle mass. It works by targeting the androgen receptors in the muscle.
- Increased strength and endurance. It will give you more energy and make you capable of handling intense workouts.
- Maintenance of lean muscle mass. Ligandrol will help protect your muscle mass during a calorie-deficit in the cutting phase.
- Increased fat loss. This SARM will help you burn your extra calories at a faster rate by accelerating your metabolism.
- Improved bone health. It boosts bone mineral density, which helps prevent fractures.
- Improved recovery times. It increases the healing rate and promotes speedy recovery.
Dosage and Side Effects
Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is available in the tablet form. It is consumed orally. It is a powerful SARM and has shown to be effective even at a dose of 1mg/day. However, the most common dosage of Ligandrol is 5-10mg per day. The duration of use is usually 6-8 weeks. Higher doses are associated with various side effects that include nausea, headache, fatigue, acne, suppression of natural testosterone production, etc.