Etho Trenbolone 200 Mg 10 Ml Beligas Pharma USA

- Brand: Beligas Pharma USA
About Trenbolone Enanthate?
Trenbolone Enanthate was first introduced in 1967 by Roussel-UCLAF during the trial of synthetic anabolic steroids. The wide spread applications of different esters of anabolic steroids made it one of the prominent compounds to study this product, but the product has never been released for many years. The British Dragon was the largest underground producer in the world and introduced Trenbolone Enanthate to the steroid market and called Trenabol 200mg.
Use of Trenbolone has never been approved for humans or veterinary anywhere in the world, and all versions of Trenbolone are manufactured unlicensed. It is never sold by prescription in any pharmacy. Even the 200mg / ml / 10ml version of Ciccone Pharma Trenbolone, although produced in a legitimate facility, is not licensed because no doctor can prescribe you. Trenbolone or any brand claiming to be a licensed by pharma brand is clearly lying. It is impossible to find such a company in the world.
Due to the use of the enanthate ester, this drug will have almost the same pharmacokinetics of testosterone enanthate, which means a peak in blood levels within a few days after usage and decreases after about two weeks.
Trenbolone is a derivative of nandrolone but exhibits strong anabolic and androgenic properties. Its properties differ from nandrolone. Although Trenbolone Enanthate has a more favorable balance for anabolism, it is much more potent than testosterone as both anabolic and androgenic effect. Although Trenbolone exhibits significant progesterone activity that can mimic athletic side effects of athletes, it does not convert to estrogen like a testosterone, but this may vary depending on the individual. Trenbolone has an anabolic value of 300. This is the highest known anabolic effect.
Although classified as an anabolic, Trenbolone has too much androgenic effect. Androgenic side effects are as common as in any testosterone, but trenbolone has no water retention.
Some known side effects of Trenbolone Enanthate:
- Skin Oiling
- Acne
- Hair growth in men and women
- Acceleration of hair loss in men with genetic predisposition to hair loss
- High doses may cause liver strain
Trenbolone does not aromatize (converts to estrogen) and has strong resistance to hepatic metabolism, which has a negative effect on cholesterol. Trenbolone will lower HDL (good) cholesterol and increase LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. To help with cardiovascular, you should follow an active cardiovascular exercise program and minimize the intake of saturated fats and simple carbohydrates. Consuming trenbolone with fish oils and a cholesterol / antioxidant formula is also recommended.
All androgenic compounds taken at high doses for muscle gain suppress natural (endogenous) testosterone production. After applying post cycle therapy (PCT), testosterone levels usually return to normal within 1-6.5 months. Trenbolone has been found to be three to four times more potent in suppressing the natural testosterone level in milligrams compared to any testosterone.
These are important:
-Trenbolone enanthate should never be used with deca. Since they are both from the same family group, they can harm your body and your libido too much.
- Trenbolone enanthate is definitely not used without testosterone support. In this way, it can reset the libido.
- When using Trenbolone enanthate, CABASER - DOSTINEX should also be used.
Using anabolic steroids with or without any knowledge about the subject can do harm to your body. They even can cause death. You have to be careful about getting checked before, during and after using anabolic steroids. Our firm warns you about the all of the risks of using steroids and we do not accept any responsibility about health issues and consequences. Therefore we do not sell who are not over 20 years old.